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Abachi, Shahriar
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- sabachi@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Aban, Tania
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- taban@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Abdelkerim, Richard
Associate Professor
- Mathematics
- 626 5853229
- rjabdelkerim@bj-cansoon.com
- R322O
Abesa, Jose
- Business
- jabesa@bj-cansoon.com
Abramians, Arlet
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- aabramians@bj-cansoon.com
Abramyan, Nerses
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- nxabramyan@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Abubekerov, Lucy
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857856
- labubekerov@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Abukhalil, Paul
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857140
- pabukhalil@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Accardi-Harrison, Kelby
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- kharrison2@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Acevedo, Cody
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- cacevedo11@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Acker, Lauren
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857825
- lacker@bj-cansoon.com
- C427
Acosta, Giselle
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853187
- gacosta4@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Adaire, Christine
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- cadaire@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Adams, Ryan
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Counseling
- 626 5857951
- radams4@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Adase, Carrie
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857225
- cadase@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201
Adler, Brian
Assistant Professor
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857643
- bradler@bj-cansoon.com
- C252C
Afuso, Carrie
Student Affairs Advisor
- Student Life
- 626 5857386
- cmafuso@bj-cansoon.com
- CC105
Afzali, Makan
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- mafzali@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201
Agredano, Hector
Assistant Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857021
- hagredano@bj-cansoon.com
- E Bldg
Aguayo, Nicholas
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- naguayo1@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Aguiar, Joshua
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- jaguiar8@bj-cansoon.com
Aguilar, Angie
Adjunct Counselor
- Counseling
- aaguilar123@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Aguilar, Suny
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- symaldonado@bj-cansoon.com
Aguilera Peraza, Marcela
- Counseling
- 626 5853042
- maguileraperaza@bj-cansoon.com
- L104F
Agulian, Alex
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- 626 5853378
- aagulian@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC-B6
Ahmed, Katia
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857225
- kahmed1@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201
Ahn, Alexandra
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- aahn5@bj-cansoon.com
Ahrens, William
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- wbahrens@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Aivazian, Matthew
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- maivazian@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Akopyan, Armine
Adjunct Counselor
- Counseling
- 626 5857251
- aakopyan5@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Al Jaberi, Hawra
Job Developer
- LA Regional Consortium (LARC)
- haljaberi@bj-cansoon.com
- IT-200
Alameddine, Zein
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- zalameddine@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Alamo, Alondra
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- aalamo@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Alani, Mayada
Adjunct Faculty
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857301
- malani@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Albrechtsen, Ashleigh
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- aalbrechtsen@bj-cansoon.com
Alcocer, Brandon
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857140
- balcocer@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Aldaco, Carlos
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- caldaco@bj-cansoon.com
- Facility Services
Alex, Bridget
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- balex@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Alexander, Natasha
Adjunct Faculty
- Career & Technical Education
- nalexanderbroast@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Alexander, Tameka
Associate Dean, Outreach & Transfer
- Outreach Degree & Trnsfr Cntr
- 626 5857878
- tmalexander@bj-cansoon.com
- CC-202
Alfred, Courtney
Administrative Assistant II
- Northwest Campus
- 626 5853340
- calfred2@bj-cansoon.com
- Northwest D118
Ali, Lola
Human Resources Business Partner/Conf
- Human Resources
- 626 5857505
- iali@bj-cansoon.com
- C204
Allas, Daniel
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- dallas@bj-cansoon.com
Allen, Alise
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- aarchuleta1@bj-cansoon.com
Allen, Richshell
Digital Media Technician
- Strategic Comm and Mrktng
- 626 5857732
- raallen@bj-cansoon.com
- C145-A
Allen, Richard
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5853029
- rdallen@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC132
Allyn, Steve
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857218
- sallyn@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201
Almendarez, Keshia
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- kalmendarez@bj-cansoon.com
Almonte, Vanessa
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- valmonte@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Alonzo, Brenda
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- balonzo5@bj-cansoon.com
Alshawa, Ahmad
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- aalshawa@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Altamirano, Carlos
Director, EOP&S/CARE & Foster Youth Programs
- Title V Program
- 626 5853046
- cxaltamirano@bj-cansoon.com
- L107-G
Altman, Jonathan
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- jaltman1@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Altounji, Myriam
Dean, Enrollment Services
- Enrollment Services
- 626 5857012
- mmaltounji@bj-cansoon.com
- L112A
Alvarado, Desiree
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- dalvarado37@bj-cansoon.com
Alvarado, Thea
Dean, Social Sciences and Distance Education
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857651
- tsalvarado@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Alvarez, Pedro
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- palvarez9@bj-cansoon.com
Alvarez, Thomas
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- talvarez7@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Alvarez, Angie
Director, Outreach and Guided Entry Services
- Pathways
- 626 5857948
- axalvarez@bj-cansoon.com
- V100-B
Alzaga, Maria
- Fiscal Services
- 626 5857453
- malzaga@bj-cansoon.com
- C203
Ambrose, William
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- wwambrose@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Amesqua, Nicolas
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- ngamesqua@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Amouzegar, Ali
Associate Professor
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857316
- axamouzegar@bj-cansoon.com
- IT227A
Andersen, Barbara
Adjunct Counselor
- Counseling
- jxandersen@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Anderson, Kelly
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- kanderson12@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Anderson, Melissa
Assistant Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857606
- manderson8@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Anderson, Mackenzie
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857140
- manderson@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Anderson, Suzanne
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857495
- sjanderson@bj-cansoon.com
- C347
Andrade, Anna
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- aandrade35@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B6
Andreacchi, Bartholomew
Assistant Professor
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853082
- bandreacchi@bj-cansoon.com
- C252-C
Andres, Annalee
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- aaandres@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Andrus, David
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- dandrus@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Ansari, Alireza
Assistant Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5853228
- axansari@bj-cansoon.com
- SV8M
Antonyan, Elvina
Business Analyst Specialist
- Foundation Office
- 626 5857835
- eantonyan2@bj-cansoon.com
- CDC204
Antunez, Ginger
Adjunct Librarian
- Library
- gantunez@bj-cansoon.com
- Library
Apiafi, Grace
Associate Professor
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857774
- gaapiafi@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201P
Appelbaum, Lauren
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- lappelbaum@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Apsay, Roxanne
Department Laboratory Technician II - Health
- Health Sciences
- 626 5857241
- rapsay@bj-cansoon.com
- R511
Aquino, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- saquino1@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Aragon, James
Board Of Trustee Member
- Board Of Trustees
- 626 5857202
- jjaragon@bj-cansoon.com
- C235
Araiza-Rojas, Laura
Adjunct Counselor
- 626 5857439
- learaiza@bj-cansoon.com
- L107F
Arana, Ingrid
- Counseling
- 626 5857086
- iarana1@bj-cansoon.com
- L104F
Arana, Otto
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- omarana@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Arana Chavez, Rosa
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- raranachavez@bj-cansoon.com
Ardeshiri, Minoo
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- mardeshiri@bj-cansoon.com
Arechiga, Jose
Police Officer
- Police and College Safety
- 626 5857484
- jlarechiga@bj-cansoon.com
- B210
Arenson, Lauren
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857736
- ljarenson@bj-cansoon.com
- C320
Arenz, David
Adjunct Faculty
- Business
- 626 5857341
- darenz@bj-cansoon.com
- R201
Arevalo, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- sarevalo13@bj-cansoon.com
Arias, Esmeralda
- Health Sciences
- 626 5857390
- earias18@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B8
Arida, Tamara
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- tarida@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Armendariz, Eric
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- earmendariz3@bj-cansoon.com
Armstead, Moriya
- Business
- 626 5857140
- marmstead@bj-cansoon.com
- C-121J
Armstrong, Darryl
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- darmstrong15@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Arntson, Jay
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857533
- jarntson@bj-cansoon.com
- CA-342
Arroyo, Lizzette
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- larroyo2@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Asadoorian, Arpineh
Adjunct Faculty
- Business
- aasadoorian@bj-cansoon.com
- C121
Asadyan, Anahit
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- aasadyan@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Ascencio, David
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- dascencio@bj-cansoon.com
Ashcroft, Jared
Assistant Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857007
- jmashcroft@bj-cansoon.com
- E105
Ashraf, Jamal
Associate Professor
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5853095
- jjashraf@bj-cansoon.com
- R302A
Asistio, Lesley
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- lasistio@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Atalyan, Tatevik
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- tatalyan@bj-cansoon.com
Ateeq, Ariana
Transfer Specialist
- Outreach Degree & Trnsfr Cntr
- aateeq@bj-cansoon.com
- CC203
Atilano, Chellsy
Educational Advisor
- Upward Bound Math/Sci Program
- 626 5857767
- catilano@bj-cansoon.com
- D108C
Atkins, Sharona
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- satkins2@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Attebery, Warren
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- wcattebery@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Atwater, Teresa
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857371
- tfatwater@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Au, Helen
Scheduling Specialist
- Instruction
- 626 5857822
- hau2@bj-cansoon.com
- C223
Au, Tony
Graphic Designer
- Strategic Comm and Mrktng
- 626 5857432
- tcau@bj-cansoon.com
- C145
Avanesyan, Silva
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- savanesyan@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B6
Axibal-Cordero, Allan Luis
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857097
- aaxibalcordero@bj-cansoon.com
- C109A
Aye, Yelen
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- yxaye@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Ayers, Milan
Associate Professor
- Business
- 626 5857376
- mayers1@bj-cansoon.com
- R101
Ayoub, Bassam
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- bayoub@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Azar, Sharis
Assistant Professor
- Counseling
- 626 5853210
- sazar@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102-E
Azizi, Alireza
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857140
- axazizi@bj-cansoon.com
- E301
Azizian, Ophelia
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- oxbalaneji@bj-cansoon.com
- E301
Babaian, Robert
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Health Sciences
- 626 5853378
- rbabaian@bj-cansoon.com
Badalian, Anahit
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- abadalian3@bj-cansoon.com
Badalian, Raymond
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- rbadalian@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Badalyan, Irina
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- ixbadalyan@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Baden, Stanley
Assistant Professor
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857662
- sjbaden@bj-cansoon.com
- CA336
Baez, Sergio
Adjunct Faculty
- Business
- 626 5857341
- sbaez@bj-cansoon.com
- C121
Bagdasaryan, Karine
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- kbagdasaryan2@bj-cansoon.com
Bailey, Andrea
- Student Health Services
- 626 5857831
- abailey25@bj-cansoon.com
- D203
Bailey, Tunisia
Supervisor, Campus Events
- Campus Use
- txbailey@bj-cansoon.com
- R-201
Bain, Conna
Benefits Technician
- Human Resources
- 626 5857719
- clbain@bj-cansoon.com
- C203
Bajah, Jeff
Associate Professor
- Business
- 626 5857882
- jbajah@bj-cansoon.com
- R101
Bajc, Natasha
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- nbajc@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Bakenhus, Judith
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- jbakenhus@bj-cansoon.com
Baker, Mark
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853187
- mbaker8@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Bakhtiari, Mozhgan
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- 626 5853378
- mxbakhtiari@bj-cansoon.com
Balajadia, Hilario
Adjunct Faculty
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857301
- hbalajadia@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Balazs, Benjamin
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- bbalazs@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Baldo, Mariella
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853033
- mbaldo@bj-cansoon.com
Baldovino, Harvey
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- hbaldovino@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Balkis, Yasmine
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- yfbalkis@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Balta, Joy
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- jbalta@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Baltazar, Paula
Programmer Analyst
- Information Technology Srvcs
- 626 5857519
- pbaltazar@bj-cansoon.com
- LL143
Banda, Peter
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- pbanda@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Bangham, Emily
Coordinator, Pathways First Year Experience (FYE)
- Pathways
- 626 5853048
- ebangham@bj-cansoon.com
- V102
Banh, Melvin
Library Technician III
- Library
- 626 5857780
- mbanh1@bj-cansoon.com
- LL211
Banh, Heather
Intermediate Clerk II
- Business
- 626 5857303
- hhbanh@bj-cansoon.com
- C121-C
Banks, Michelle
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853148
- mebanks@bj-cansoon.com
- C252R
Banks-Smith, Cheryl
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5853301
- cabanks-smith@bj-cansoon.com
- D102 - Middle Desk
Bannon, Barry
Adjunct Faculty
- Career & Technical Education
- bbannon@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Bansal, Juhi
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- jxbansal@bj-cansoon.com
- C119
Barbarino, Raffaella
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857140
- rbarbarino@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Barbaro, Danielle
Assistive Technology Specialist
- Lancer Accessibility Rsc Srvs
- dbarbaro@bj-cansoon.com
- D-203
Barbeli, Anamaria
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- abarbeli@bj-cansoon.com
Barber, Kireilyn
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- kbarber@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Barboza, Matthew
Dean, Business Division & Enrollment Management
- Business
- 626 5857684
- mbarboza3@bj-cansoon.com
- C121-H
Barker, Daryl
Adjunct Librarian
- Library
- dbarker3@bj-cansoon.com
- Library
Barkeshli, Sassan
Assistant Professor
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857538
- sxbarkeshli@bj-cansoon.com
- R119
Barnett, Denzil
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- dobarnett@bj-cansoon.com
Barnhart, Lissette
Executive Assistant
- Business & College Services
- 626 5857172
- lbarnhart@bj-cansoon.com
- C237
Baronian, Tanya
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857371
- tsbaronian@bj-cansoon.com
- C252E
Baroon, Ali
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- mbaroon@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Barraza, Kevin
Assistant Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5853350
- kbarraza3@bj-cansoon.com
- SV8-A
Barreras, Alisha
Administrative Assistant II
- Institutional Effectiveness
- 626 5857383
- abarreras1@bj-cansoon.com
- C137.5
Barreto, Jose
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- jabarreto@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Barrientos, Maria
Intermediate Clerk II
- Career Center
- 626 5855377
- mbarrientospulid@bj-cansoon.com
- IT-200
Barrington, Taylor
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- tbarrington@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Barron, Sergio
- Business
- 626 5857352
- sbarron2@bj-cansoon.com
- R302A
Basilio, George
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- gbasilio@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Baskerville, Ernest
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- 626 5857251
- ebaskerville@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Basteris, Mayra
Job Developer
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853010
- mbasteris@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC-A102
Bauer, Lauren
Library Technician III
- Library
- 626 5853309
- ljbauer@bj-cansoon.com
Bautista, Dawn
Administrative Assistant I
- Lancer Accessibility Rsc Srvs
- 626 5857568
- dbautista20@bj-cansoon.com
- D209
Bayardo, Amber
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- abayardo1@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Beard, Cheryl
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853264
- cxbeard@bj-cansoon.com
- C349
Beck, Jillian
Special Assistant to the President
- President's Office
- 626 5857193
- jbeck11@bj-cansoon.com
Beck-Wegner, Noemi
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857685
- nbeckwegner@bj-cansoon.com
- C313
Bejarano, Irma
Temporary Instructor
- Health Sciences
- 626 5857537
- ibejarano@bj-cansoon.com
- R125-F
Bejarano-Vera, Patricia
Intermediate Clerk II
- Lancer Accessibility Rsc Srvs
- pbejaranovera@bj-cansoon.com
Bell, Robert
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5857205
- rhbell@bj-cansoon.com
Bell, Joel
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- jbell@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Bellali, Patricia
Athletic Trainer
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5853205
- pgbellali@bj-cansoon.com
- GM111
Ben Ghorbal, Sarra
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- sbenghorbal@bj-cansoon.com
- 00321
Bennitt, Brian
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- bbennitt@bj-cansoon.com
Benson, Estevan
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- ebenson@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Benson, Peter
Transportation Coordinator
- Police and College Safety
- 626 5857223
- pvbenson@bj-cansoon.com
- Lot4-101
Berg, Christopher
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- cberg2@bj-cansoon.com
Berger, Timothy
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- trberger@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Berman, Lynne
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- liberman@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Bermudez, Vanessa
Adjunct Special Services
- Mental Health and Wellness
- vbermudez@bj-cansoon.com
- D201
Bermudez, Linda
Director, K-14 Technical Assistance
- LA Regional Consortium (LARC)
- 626 5857445
- lbermudez7@bj-cansoon.com
- IT206A
Bermudez, Frank
- Mathematics
- 626 5853242
- fjbermudez@bj-cansoon.com
- R322K
Bernal, Ana
LGBTQIA+ Student Success Specialist
- Instttnl Eqty Dvrsty & Justice
- 626 5853295
- abernal1@bj-cansoon.com
- R422
Bernard, Edward
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- efbernard@bj-cansoon.com
Bernardo, Zeudi
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857218
- zbernardo@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201
Berumen, Alonso
- Purchasing
- 626 5857338
- aberumen4@bj-cansoon.com
- C202-F
Betrue, Jason
Distance Education Technologist/Developer
- Distance Education
- 626 5857605
- jabetrue@bj-cansoon.com
- C150-A
Beucler, Alexis
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857052
- abeucler@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102E
Bhadha, Mithra
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- mbhadha@bj-cansoon.com
Bhadha, Bakhtawar
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853362
- brbhadha@bj-cansoon.com
- C425
Bilandzija, Sara
- English and Language Studies
- sbilandzija@bj-cansoon.com
- C252B
Bill, Emily
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- ebill@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Bjorkedal, Alison
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- ambjorkedal@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Black, Sarah
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- sjblack@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Blades, Sondra
Adjunct Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853050
- sxsessionshackelford@bj-cansoon.com
Blai, Lisa
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857371
- lgranados2@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Blake, Lesley
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857371
- lblake@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Blanco, James
Skilled Trades Worker
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- jpblanco@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Blatti, Jillian
Assistant Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5853158
- jblatti@bj-cansoon.com
- SV08-F
Bleckmann, Lorilyn
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- lhbleckmann@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Blickley, Jessica
Assistant Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857140
- jblickley@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Blizinski, Bob
Assist Superintendent, VP HR
- Human Resources
- 626 5857282
- rblizinski@bj-cansoon.com
- C215
Bloodgood, Harry
Professor Emeritus
- Counseling
- 626 5857251
- hfbloodgood@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Blount, Gia
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853294
- ggblount@bj-cansoon.com
Bober, Sharon
- Mathematics
- 626 5853384
- smbober@bj-cansoon.com
- R332O
Bobich, Anita
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Health Sciences
- 626 5857884
- ambobich@bj-cansoon.com
- R505
Bodis, Tracy
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857216
- tabodis@bj-cansoon.com
- W105D
Boekelheide, Alexander
Executive Director
- Strategic Comm and Mrktng
- 626 5857422
- aboekelheide@bj-cansoon.com
- C238
Bohorquez, Valentin
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853187
- vbohorquez@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Bolen, Kari
Assoc VP Chief Diversity Equit
- Instttnl Eqty Dvrsty & Justice
- 626 5857786
- kbolen@bj-cansoon.com
- C218
Boles, Margaret
Assistant Professor
- Mathematics
- 626 5853243
- mmboles@bj-cansoon.com
- R322-I
Bonilla, Martha
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857080
- mebonilla@bj-cansoon.com
- C252T
Borisuthirattana, Wichanee
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- wborisuthirattan@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B6
Borman, Terri
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857164
- tlborman@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Borrege, Joseph
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- jpborrege@bj-cansoon.com
- R201
Borromeo, Maria
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- mborromeo@bj-cansoon.com
Bower, Susan
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857167
- slbower@bj-cansoon.com
- SV8-G
Bowers, Delbert
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- dbowers@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Bowie, Angela
Adjunct Faculty
- Business
- abowie2@bj-cansoon.com
Bowns, Kathryn
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- 626 5853378
- kbowns@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC-B6
Boyd, Lee
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- lboyd7@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201
Boyd, Cheryl
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- cboyd7@bj-cansoon.com
Boyden, Pixie
Adjunct Faculty
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857301
- pboyden@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Boyle, Christopher
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- cboyle6@bj-cansoon.com
Brackett, Trevor
- Counseling
- 626 5857638
- tbrackett@bj-cansoon.com
- L104-M
Bradshaw, Stacy
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- sbradshaw3@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Brady, Gail
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857371
- gbrady@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Brambila, Frank
- Business
- 626 5857647
- fbrambila2@bj-cansoon.com
- C121J
Bravo, Adam
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- abravo22@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Bretado, Mayra
- Health Sciences
- mbretado2@bj-cansoon.com
Brewer, Nicholas
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- nbrewer@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Briggs, Ray
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- rabriggs@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Brito, Esmirna
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- ebrito4@bj-cansoon.com
Broady, Brianna
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5853304
- bbroady@bj-cansoon.com
- CA202-A
Bronstein, Debra
Assistant Professor
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853249
- dlbronstein@bj-cansoon.com
- C252N
Brown, Teejay
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857418
- ebrown63@bj-cansoon.com
- C403
Brown, Akilah
Assistant Professor
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857970
- abrown50@bj-cansoon.com
- C252S
Brown, Timi
Dean, Kinesiology, Health, and Athletics
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5853165
- tbrown76@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201V
Brown, David
Adjunct Health Professional
- Student Health Services
- 626 5857244
- dbrown@bj-cansoon.com
- D105
Brown, Martha
Assistant Professor
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- msbrown@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Brown, Kevin
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- kwbrown@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Brown, Anthony
- Fiscal Services
- 626 5857711
- abbrown@bj-cansoon.com
- C203
Brown, Malaika
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- mbrown19@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Brownstead, Mark
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- mbrownstead@bj-cansoon.com
- GM 201
Brutskaya-Stempkovskaya, Alice
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- abrutskayastempk@bj-cansoon.com
Bull, James
Student Retention Specialist
- Enrollment Services
- 626 5857943
- jbull1@bj-cansoon.com
- V105-A
Bullock, Devin
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- dbullock@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201
Burbank, Robert
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- rlburbank@bj-cansoon.com
Burgwin, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- mburgwin@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Burke, Raymond
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857140
- rxburke@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Burres-Jones, Cara
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5853149
- clburres-jones@bj-cansoon.com
- SV7-K
Butcher, Sarah
Adjunct Special Services
- Mental Health and Wellness
- sbutcher1@bj-cansoon.com
- D209
Buxton-Pacheco, Victoria
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857218
- vjbuxton-pacheco@bj-cansoon.com
Cabading, Domainlor
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- dcabading@bj-cansoon.com
Cabral, Martha
Admissions & Records Assistant
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853008
- mlcabral@bj-cansoon.com
Cain, Jeffrey
Assistant Professor
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857628
- jcain4@bj-cansoon.com
- CA306-A
Cairo, Eduardo
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857745
- eacairo@bj-cansoon.com
- C407
Calandra, Carol
Dean of Student Wellness & Support Services
- Lancer Accessibility Rsc Srvs
- 626 5857584
- cmcalandra@bj-cansoon.com
- D-201C
Caldera, Bitzareth
Adjunct Faculty
- Pathways
- bcaldera1@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Calderaro, Nicholas
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857225
- ncalderaro@bj-cansoon.com
Calderon, Darnell
Research Planning Analyst
- Institutional Effectiveness
- 626 5857610
- dcalderon22@bj-cansoon.com
- C-137
Caldwell, Richard
Lead Custodian
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- rjcaldwell@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Callas, John
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- jlcallas@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Campbell, Stephen
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- scampbell6@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Campbell, Phillip
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5853387
- pcampbell1@bj-cansoon.com
- R322C
Campbell, Brendan
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- bcampbell3@bj-cansoon.com
- Gm201
Campos, Roberto
Adjunct Counselor
- Counseling
- 626 5857951
- rcampos14@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Canela, Nancy
Adjunct Counselor
- Outreach Degree & Trnsfr Cntr
- ncanela@bj-cansoon.com
- L110
Cano, Christopher
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- ccano7@bj-cansoon.com
Cantero, Francisco
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857225
- fcantero@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201
Caporicci, Laura
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- lcaporicci@bj-cansoon.com
Carbajal-Ramos, Javier
Adjunct Counselor
- Counseling
- 626 5857251
- jxcarbajal-ramos@bj-cansoon.com
- C229
Cardenas, Frank
Interim Executive Director
- Foundation Office
- 626 5857054
- fcardenas13@bj-cansoon.com
- CDC204
Cardenas, Madonna
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857747
- mcardenas43@bj-cansoon.com
- C121-F
Cardona, Ryan
Athletic Equipment Attendant
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857219
- rcardona9@bj-cansoon.com
- GM106-G
Carlisi, Karen
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857153
- kecarlisi@bj-cansoon.com
- C246
Carlson, Chris
Business Analyst
- Information Technology Srvcs
- 626 5857516
- ccarlson2@bj-cansoon.com
- LL139
Carmody, Brian
Assistant Professor
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857068
- bcarmody1@bj-cansoon.com
- CA202C
Carnahan, William
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- wcarnahan@bj-cansoon.com
Carpenter, Charles
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857587
- cmcarpenter@bj-cansoon.com
- CA202C
Carreon, Juan
- Counseling
- 626 5857090
- jpcarreon@bj-cansoon.com
- L104-X
Carter, Hannah
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- hcarter@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Casalegno, Silvana
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853038
- scasalegno@bj-cansoon.com
Casburn, Gail
Adjunct Faculty
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857301
- gcasburn@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Cascione, Domenico
- Health Sciences
- 626 5857020
- dcascione@bj-cansoon.com
- R505
Cashell, Judy
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- jfcashell@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Casillas, Diana
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- dcasillas13@bj-cansoon.com
Casillas, Tony
Irrigation Specialist
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- acasillas9@bj-cansoon.com
- Facilities Services
Casillas, Crista
Upward Bound Math/Science Coordinator
- Upward Bound Math/Sci Program
- 626 5857870
- ccasillas5@bj-cansoon.com
- D108E
Casini, Margie
Kindergarten Specialist
- Child Development Center
- 626 5853134
- mecasini@bj-cansoon.com
- CDC123
Castaneda Mariscal, Jose
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- jmcastaneda@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Castanon, Jose
- Mathematics
- 626 5853250
- jcastanon3@bj-cansoon.com
- R406F
Castellon, Carlos
Assistant Dean, Northwest Site
- Educational Parterships
- 626 5855336
- ccastellon3@bj-cansoon.com
- Northwest D113
Castillo, Otoniel
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- ocastillo2@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B6
Castillo, Ricardo
Dean, College Life & Readiness
- Student Life
- 626 5857042
- racastillo@bj-cansoon.com
- CC-105
Castillo, Francisco
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- fjcastillo@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Castillo, Judith
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- jcastillo115@bj-cansoon.com
Castro, Israel
- Mathematics
- 626 5853255
- icastro10@bj-cansoon.com
- R322D
Castro, Leonardo
Department Laboratory Technician II - Chemistry
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857123
- lcastro4@bj-cansoon.com
- SV19
Castro, Lilliana
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- lcastro31@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Castro, Peter
Assistant Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857013
- ppcastro@bj-cansoon.com
- SV8-L
Castro, Jacqueline
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- jcastro159@bj-cansoon.com
Catalano, Francis
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- fjcatalano@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Catanese, Erika
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5853254
- elcatanese@bj-cansoon.com
- SV7-J
Catlin, Barbara
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- bcatlin@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Catt, Nicholas
Adjunct Faculty
- Library
- ncatt@bj-cansoon.com
Cepeda, Michelle
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857371
- mcbuscher@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Cervantes, Rosemarie
Associate Professor
- Lancer Accessibility Rsc Srvs
- 626 5853177
- rcervantes10@bj-cansoon.com
- D209
Cevallos, Jaclyn
Manager Academic Services
- Instruction
- 626 5857169
- jvcevallos@bj-cansoon.com
- C223
Chaboya, Francesca
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857743
- fchaboya@bj-cansoon.com
- C352-D
Chae, Yoon
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- ychae1@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Chaffee, Lyman
- Mathematics
- 626 5853259
- lbchaffee@bj-cansoon.com
- R406E
Cham, Joanna
Associate Professor
- Library
- 626 5857820
- jcham@bj-cansoon.com
- LL315
Chammas, Dany
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857600
- dhchammas@bj-cansoon.com
- SV9-C
Chan, Corinne
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- cchan57@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B6
Chan, Kevin
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- kchan39@bj-cansoon.com
Chan, Jessica
Principal Accountant
- Fiscal Services
- 626 5857508
- jchan68@bj-cansoon.com
- C203
Chan, Rowena
Department Laboratory Technician I - Auto Shop
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857245
- rchan4@bj-cansoon.com
- IT105
Chang, Keng
Adjunct Faculty
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857301
- kchang27@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Chang, Eugene
Purchasing Clerk
- Purchasing
- 626 5857718
- echang24@bj-cansoon.com
- C202
Chang, Steve
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- schang9@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201
Chang, Steve
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- schang@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201
Chang, Jeffrey
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853187
- jtchang@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Chang, Chiu Chin
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853187
- ccchang@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Chang, Yang
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- 626 5857251
- yschang@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Chang, Jocelyn
Associate Professor
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857370
- hxchang@bj-cansoon.com
- CA202B
Chang-Hou, Yu-Chung
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- yxchang@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Chapman, Tatiana
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853187
- tichapman@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Chapman, Elaine
Director, Extension
- PCC Extension
- 626 5857608
- efchapman@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC112
Chau, Evelyn
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- enchau@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Chavez, Ana
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853187
- achavez78@bj-cansoon.com
Chavez, Noel
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- nchavez33@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B5
Chavez, Edward
Adjunct Faculty
- Business
- 626 5857341
- etchavez@bj-cansoon.com
- R201
Cheeseman, Bonnie
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- blcheeseman@bj-cansoon.com
Chen, Rosa
Adjunct Counselor
- Counseling
- 626 5857951
- rlchen@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Chen, Willina
Department Laboratory Technician III - Biology
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857017
- wchen83@bj-cansoon.com
- SV12
Chen, Chia-Wei
Associate Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5853159
- cwchen@bj-cansoon.com
- SV8-C
Chen, Cathy
Educational Advisor
- Counseling
- 626 5857070
- ychen206@bj-cansoon.com
- D204-F
Chen Lau, Sandra
Board Of Trustee Member
- Board Of Trustees
- 626 5857202
- sxchenlau@bj-cansoon.com
- C235
Cheng, Jack
Department Laboratory Technician I - Auto Shop
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857120
- jcheng17@bj-cansoon.com
Cheng, Catherine
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- cjcheng@bj-cansoon.com
Chess, Barry
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857166
- bxchess@bj-cansoon.com
- SV8-I
Cheung, Kwun
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857140
- kcheung20@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Cheung, Kwun Yu
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- kcheung7@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Cheung, Amy
- Counseling
- 626 5857598
- ahcheung@bj-cansoon.com
- L104N
Chevchyan, Gayane
Financial Aid Advisor
- Financial Aid
- 626 5857987
- gchevchyan@bj-cansoon.com
- L114C
Chew, Wesley
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- wchew@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Chidiac, George
Director, Purchasing & Contracts Administration
- Purchasing
- 626 5857424
- gchidiac@bj-cansoon.com
- C202
Cho, Young
- Health Sciences
- 626 5857192
- ycho20@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B8
Cho, Dunnie
- Health Sciences
- 626 5853174
- dmtran@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B7
Cho, Jay
Assistant Professor
- Mathematics
- 626 5853213
- jkcho@bj-cansoon.com
- R406G
Choate-Ciletti, Elisabeth
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5853175
- eachoate-ciletti@bj-cansoon.com
- SV8-K
Chodos, Daniel
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- dxchodos@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Choi, Jung
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- jchoi25@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Choi, Ying
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- yxchoi@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Chow, Stephanie
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- schow15@bj-cansoon.com
Chow, Chris
Admissions & Records Clerk III
- Admissions and Records
- 626 5857616
- cchow2@bj-cansoon.com
- L113
Chrisler, Matthew
Learning Assistance Center (LAC) Assistant III
- Learning Assistance Center
- 626 5857089
- mchrisler@bj-cansoon.com
Christensen, Jade
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- jchristensen5@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Chuang, Jenny
- Health Sciences
- 626 5853308
- jchuang1@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B7
Chugani, Avisha
Counselor Assistant Professor
- 626 5857957
- achugani@bj-cansoon.com
- L107-C
Chung, Roger
Application Support Specialist
- Information Technology Srvcs
- 626 5853140
- rjchung@bj-cansoon.com
- LL135
Chung, Richard
Adjunct Health Professional
- Health Sciences
- rxchung@bj-cansoon.com
- R511
Chung, Nancy
Admissions & Records Clerk II - Veterans
- Admissions and Records
- 626 5857475
- nnchung@bj-cansoon.com
- W108
Clapp, Deborah
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- dclapp@bj-cansoon.com
- C121
Clark, Madison
Student Retention Specialist
- Enrollment Services
- 626 5857754
- mclark42@bj-cansoon.com
Clark, Michael
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857140
- mclark7@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Clark, Chelsea
Adjunct Librarian
- Library
- cclark10@bj-cansoon.com
- Library
Claudio, William
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- wclaudio@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Click, James
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857423
- jeclick@bj-cansoon.com
- C252D
Clifton, DJ
Intermediate Clerk II
- 626 5857687
- dclifton1@bj-cansoon.com
- L107
Co, Ashley
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- akim2@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B6
Coaguila, Diego
Adjunct Faculty
- Library
- dcoaguila@bj-cansoon.com
- Library
Coates, Julia
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- jcoates@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Cobb, Rebecca
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- 626 5857798
- rcobb4@bj-cansoon.com
- CC105J
Cobian, Nancy
Laundry Worker/Custodian
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- ncobian@bj-cansoon.com
Cody, Robert
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- rlcody@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Cognetta, Susana
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- 626 5857251
- scognetta@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Cohen, Valli
Adjunct Nurse Practitioner
- Student Health Services
- 626 5857244
- vcohen@bj-cansoon.com
- D105
Colboth-Macleod, Jamie
Adjunct Faculty
- Business
- 626 5857341
- jcolbothmacleod@bj-cansoon.com
- C121
Cole, Daniel
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5853171
- dccole@bj-cansoon.com
- CA202E
Cole, Jeffrey
Associate Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857873
- jacole@bj-cansoon.com
- SV8-E
Colley, David
Business Analyst
- Institutional Effectiveness
- 626 5857967
- djcolley@bj-cansoon.com
- C137-E
Coltman, Lee
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- ldcoltman@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Columa, Elizabeth
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853187
- ecoluma@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Condon, Jack
- Business
- 626 5857096
- jcondon1@bj-cansoon.com
- R302-B
Conklin, Eamon
Electronic and Digital Fabrication Technician
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857240
- edconklin@bj-cansoon.com
- IT117
Constan, Elizabeth
Department Laboratory Technician II - Health
- Health Sciences
- 626 5857879
- econstan@bj-cansoon.com
- R507
Constant, Jack
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857500
- jconstant@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Constantine, Beville
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- bconstantine@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Contreras, Elizabeth
Adjunct Counselor
- Counseling
- econtreras29@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Contreras, Monica
Teacher Spclst/Lrnng Disable
- Lancer Accessibility Rsc Srvs
- 626 5857535
- mcontreras47@bj-cansoon.com
- D209D
Cook, Douglas
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857833
- dcook3@bj-cansoon.com
- IT113-D
Cooks, Linda
Adjunct Librarian
- Library
- lcooks1@bj-cansoon.com
- Library
Cordero, Charmaine
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857371
- ccordero@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Cordova Vidrio, Denise
- Fiscal Services
- 626 5857712
- dmvidrio@bj-cansoon.com
- C203
Coren, Amy
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857685
- acoren@bj-cansoon.com
- C313
Cormack, Aisling Bridget
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857371
- abcormack@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Cornelious, Ashlee
Alternate Media Specialist
- Lancer Accessibility Rsc Srvs
- 626 5857083
- acornelious@bj-cansoon.com
- D208-D
Correa, Lisa
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857301
- llcorrea@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Corrie, Carolyn
Assistant Professor
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853207
- cjcorrie@bj-cansoon.com
Cortes, Oscar
Intermediate Clerk II
- Campus Use
- 626 5853069
- oxcortes@bj-cansoon.com
- R-201
Cortez, Lori
HR Technician II/Conf
- Human Resources
- 626 5857501
- mlcortez@bj-cansoon.com
- C204
Cortez, Jose
Temporary Contract
- Business
- 626 5857341
- jjcortez@bj-cansoon.com
- R201
Cortina, Tim
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857371
- tjcortina@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Cosgrove, Erin
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857500
- ecosgrove@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Costello, Lindsay
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- lcostello@bj-cansoon.com
- GM200
Coto, Monica
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857339
- mcoto2@bj-cansoon.com
- C309
Cotter, Steven
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- scotter@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Coulter, Suzanne
Adjunct Health Professional
- Health Sciences
- srcoulter@bj-cansoon.com
- R511
Cousins, Tamiya
Learning Assistance Center (LAC) Assistant II
- Learning Assistance Center
- 626 5857359
- tdcousins@bj-cansoon.com
- D300
Crosby, Jeffery
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- jfcrosby@bj-cansoon.com
Cross, Solomon
Dean, Performing & Communication Arts
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857198
- scross5@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119E
Crowder, Yvette
Intermediate Clerk II
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853005
- ycrowder@bj-cansoon.com
Cruz, Monique
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857500
- mcruz39@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Cuevas, Reyna
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- rcuevas8@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Cummins, Brian
Director, Human Resources
- Human Resources
- 626 5857310
- bcummins@bj-cansoon.com
- C204
Cummo, Salvatrice
VP, Economic & Workforce Development
- Economic Workforce Development
- 626 5857693
- scummo@bj-cansoon.com
- C241
Cun, Amber Sau
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- acun@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Cunanan, Glenn
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- gcunanan@bj-cansoon.com
Curiel, Francisco
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- fgcuriel@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Curran, Keith
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- kxcurran@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Curtis, Carol
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857328
- clcurtis@bj-cansoon.com
- C156D
D'Agata, Maureen
Distance Education Technologist/Developer
- Distance Education
- 626 5857794
- msdavidson@bj-cansoon.com
- LL121
D'Amico, Rita
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857478
- radamico@bj-cansoon.com
- C149A
Dadomo, Dante
Computer Support Specialist
- Information Technology Srvcs
- 626 5857802
- ddadomo@bj-cansoon.com
- LL149
Dai, Sheng-Qi
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853038
- sxdai@bj-cansoon.com
Dakan, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- mdakan1@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Dancer, Derrick
Student Placement Interviewer
- Career Center
- 626 5857382
- ddancer@bj-cansoon.com
- IT209-E
Dang, Lan
Adjunct Faculty
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857301
- ldang4@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Dang, Que
Executive Director, Student Equity and Success
- Instttnl Eqty Dvrsty & Justice
- 626 5857553
- qdang4@bj-cansoon.com
- D108
Daniels, Alicia
Reprographics Technician
- Office Services
- 626 5857850
- ardaniels@bj-cansoon.com
- C129
Dao, Jim
Financial Aid Advisor
- Financial Aid
- 626 5857931
- hvdao@bj-cansoon.com
- L114A
Darbinian, Manan
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- mdarbinian1@bj-cansoon.com
Davidson, Lizzy Okoro
Director, Women’s Business Center
- Women's Business Center
- 686 5853104
- edavidson4@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC 122
Davis, Andrea
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- adavis82@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Davis, John
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857652
- jqdavis@bj-cansoon.com
- C156D
Davis, Anna
Intermediate Clerk II
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857372
- aadavis@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Davis Anderson, Cecile
Adjunct Counselor
- Counseling
- 626 5857618
- cmanderson@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Dawson, Connor
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- 626 5857251
- cdawson1@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
De Cuba, Hyacinthe
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- hdecuba@bj-cansoon.com
De La O, Ismael
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- idelao@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
De La Rosa, Veronica
Curriculum/Catalog Technician
- Academic Affairs
- 626 5857116
- vdelarosa@bj-cansoon.com
- C101
De La Rosa, Cindy
Administrative Assistant II
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857278
- cdelarosa3@bj-cansoon.com
- FS100
De La Vara, Alan
Specialist, HS Relations/College Orientation
- Outreach Degree & Trnsfr Cntr
- 626 5857266
- addelavara@bj-cansoon.com
- V100-A
De Loera, Martha
Intermediate Clerk II
- Library
- 626 5857594
- mxdeloera@bj-cansoon.com
- LL215
De Spain, Michael
Police Officer
- Police and College Safety
- 626 5857484
- mxdespain@bj-cansoon.com
- B210
De Vries, Natalia
Intermediate Clerk I
- Office Services
- 626 5857289
- ndevries@bj-cansoon.com
- C129
Deakins, Andrew
Systems Administrator
- Information Technology Srvcs
- 626 5857529
- adeakins@bj-cansoon.com
- LL123
Dean, Tyler
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857371
- tdean1@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Deatrick, Steven
PA Project/Design Technician
- Information Technology Srvcs
- 626 5857045
- swdeatrick@bj-cansoon.com
- C230D
Deitrich, Jason
Adjunct Counselor
- Outreach Degree & Trnsfr Cntr
- jdeitrich@bj-cansoon.com
- L110
Del Real, Antonio
- Counseling
- 626 5857686
- axdelreal@bj-cansoon.com
- IT209B
Del Rio, Jose
Lead Reprographics and Mail Technician
- Office Services
- 626 5853395
- jdelrio4@bj-cansoon.com
- C129
Del Rosario, William
Digital Media Video Producer
- Strategic Comm and Mrktng
- 626 5853383
- wdelrosario@bj-cansoon.com
- C145
Delamater, Steven
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- sdelamater@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Delapena, Alexander
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- adelapena5@bj-cansoon.com
- VA102
Delesante, Patricia
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857500
- pdelesante@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Delgadillo, Kenneth
Adjunct Faculty
- Business
- 626 5857267
- kdelgadillo4@bj-cansoon.com
- IT200
Delgado, Janelle
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- jdelgado54@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Delgado-Dean, Eva Marie
Accounting Technician
- Fiscal Services
- 626 5857707
- emdelgado@bj-cansoon.com
- C203
Derbedrossian, Romina
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- rderbedrossian@bj-cansoon.com
Derdiarian, Armine
Dean, Career Technical Education
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857110
- aderdiarian@bj-cansoon.com
- C251-A
Desai, Rohan
- Counseling
- 626 5857419
- rxdesai@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Deukmedjian, Teresa
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- mtdeukmedjian@bj-cansoon.com
Deville, Yolanda
Adjunct Faculty
- Career & Technical Education
- ydeville@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Dewar, John
Adjunct Faculty
- Business
- jdewar@bj-cansoon.com
Deyto, John
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- jdeyto@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Di Fiori, Russell
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857176
- redifiori@bj-cansoon.com
- SV7-F
Di Santo, Anthony
Administrative Assistant I
- Library
- 626 5857222
- adisanto@bj-cansoon.com
- LL211-B
Diaz, Alejandra
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- 626 5857951
- adiaz57@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Diaz, Marco
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- mdiaz33@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Diaz, Candelario
Power Sweeper Operator
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- cxdiaz@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Diaz, Armando
Lead Custodian
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- adiaz39@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Diblasio, Sera
Media Production Specialist
- Title V Program
- 626 5853152
- srdiblasio@bj-cansoon.com
- V102C
Dieguez, Kiriaki
Associate Professor
- Health Sciences
- 626 5857522
- kkdieguez@bj-cansoon.com
Diep, Matthew
Adjunct Faculty
- Library
- mdiep14@bj-cansoon.com
Dimichele, David
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- djdimichele@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Do, Andrew
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- 626 5853378
- ado7@bj-cansoon.com
Dominguez, Jose
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- jldominguez@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Dominguez, Martin
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857277
- mxdominguez@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Domondon, Kristle
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- kdomondon@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC - Noncredit
Dong, Crystal
- Fiscal Services
- 626 5857706
- cdong1@bj-cansoon.com
- C203
Donnell, Theodore
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857761
- tdonnell@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Dorsey, Brian
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857140
- bdorsey@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Douglas, Earlie
- Career & Technical Education
- 626 5857434
- ebdouglas@bj-cansoon.com
- R302C
Doust, Asma
Adjunct Counselor
- Counseling
- 626 5857951
- apdoust@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Dovlatyan, Marine
Accounting Technician
- Fiscal Services
- 626 5857859
- mdovlatyan2@bj-cansoon.com
- C203
Doyle, Matthew
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- mdoyle3@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Drago, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- 626 5853378
- sxramirez@bj-cansoon.com
Drazic, Philip
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- pdrazic@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Droege, Dalila
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857238
- ddroege@bj-cansoon.com
- CA102
Dunagan, Sean
Adjunct Faculty
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857140
- sdunagan@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Dunbar, Beverley
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857591
- bdunbar@bj-cansoon.com
- C342
Dunbar, Geoffrey
Adjunct Faculty
- Visual Arts & Media Studies
- 626 5857216
- gkdunbar@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Dunn, Kathleen
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857823
- kdunn2@bj-cansoon.com
- C121-G
Duran, Gregorio
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857622
- gduran9@bj-cansoon.com
- FS107
Duran, Angelica
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857371
- azduran@bj-cansoon.com
- C245
Duran, Armando
Dean, Counseling and Student Services
- Counseling
- 626 5857148
- axduran@bj-cansoon.com
- L104J
Durst, Mary
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- mrdurst@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Duthoy, Julius
- Mathematics
- 626 5857540
- jduthoy@bj-cansoon.com
- R406-J
Duvall, Jacqueline
Assistant Professor
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857826
- jaduvall@bj-cansoon.com
- SV6
Dwight, Peter
Business Analyst
- Institutional Effectiveness
- 626 5857701
- pdwight@bj-cansoon.com
- C-137D
Eads, Angela
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- aeads1@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Ebuehi, Daniel
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- debuehi@bj-cansoon.com
Edmonson, Joshua
Accounting Technician
- Fiscal Services
- 626 5857448
- jedmonson@bj-cansoon.com
- C203
Edwards, Jennifer
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853038
- jedwards@bj-cansoon.com
Egbunike, Innocent
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857778
- iegbunike@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201E
Eginyan, Avo
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- aeginyan@bj-cansoon.com
- R505
El, Omar
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- oel@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
El Gamal, Zohaa
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853187
- zael-gamal@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
El-Issa, Anwar
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853187
- aselissa@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Elawady, Eiman
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- eelawady@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B6
Elcott, Samy
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- swalaaelcott@bj-cansoon.com
Elhawary, Nadia
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- nelhawary@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Eller, Wendy
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853187
- waeller@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Ellingwood, Jennifer
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- jellingwood@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Ellis, Angela
Financial Aid Intake Specialist
- Financial Aid
- 626 5857988
- aellis@bj-cansoon.com
- L114
Emerick, Roberto
Maintenance Supervisor
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- 626 5857074
- remerick@bj-cansoon.com
- FS - 104A
Enamorado, Alexa
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- 626 5855317
- aenamorado@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Encinas, Jorge
Assistant Professor
- Mathematics
- 626 5853128
- jaencinas@bj-cansoon.com
- R322F
Endore, Gita
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- gxendore@bj-cansoon.com
Ennis, Kelli
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853099
- kennis@bj-cansoon.com
- C429
Enriquez, Nelson
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- nenriquez4@bj-cansoon.com
Epstein, Maura
- Business
- 626 5857455
- mepstein@bj-cansoon.com
- R308-B
Escalante, Edgard
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- euescalante@bj-cansoon.com
Escobar, Nancy
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- nescobar8@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Escobar, Debanhi
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- descobar@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Esparza, Jose
Adjunct Counselor
- Counseling
- jesparza18@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Espinoza, Anthony
Adjunct Faculty
- Pathways
- aespinoza48@bj-cansoon.com
Espinoza, Judith
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- jespinoza27@bj-cansoon.com
- GM2010
Espinoza, Carolina
Assistant Professor
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857158
- cespinoza27@bj-cansoon.com
- C252A
Espinoza, Maria
- Facilities & Construction Srvs
- mespinoza49@bj-cansoon.com
- FS
Esquivel, Monica
- English and Language Studies
- mesquivel22@bj-cansoon.com
- C252F
Estrada, Veronica
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- vestrada13@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Estrada-Ceballos, Angela
- Mathematics
- 626 5853121
- amceballos@bj-cansoon.com
- R406H
Evans, Lexis
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- levans20@bj-cansoon.com
- GM201
Evans, Jewell
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- 626 5853378
- jevans17@bj-cansoon.com
- CEC B6
Eversole-Cire, Pamela
- Natural Sciences
- 626 5857161
- pleversole-cire@bj-cansoon.com
- SV9-J
Evinyan, Zarik
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- zxevinyan@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Fabros, Michelle
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- mfabros@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Faccuseh, Maria
Associate Professor
- Mathematics
- 626 5853396
- mxfaccuseh@bj-cansoon.com
- R322N
Fairfield, Barbara
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- bkfairfield@bj-cansoon.com
Faljyan, Susanna
Learning Assistance Center (LAC) Assistant II
- Learning Assistance Center
- 626 5857581
- sxfaljyan@bj-cansoon.com
- D300
Farfan Oseguera, Jessica
Administrative Assistant I
- Child Development Center
- 626 5853130
- jfarfan@bj-cansoon.com
Farrar, Robert
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- rfarrar@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Farschman, Kurt
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- kvfarschman@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Fasig, Sean
Adjunct Faculty
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- sfasig@bj-cansoon.com
Fehrenbach, Paula
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- pjfehrenbach@bj-cansoon.com
- CA119
Felix, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- mfelix9@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Fennell, Bridgid
Adjunct Librarian
- Library
- 626 5857360
- bfennell1@bj-cansoon.com
- Library
Fennessy, Laconia
Supervisor, Budget, Forecasting & Analysis
- Fiscal Services
- 626 5857645
- lfennessy@bj-cansoon.com
- C203
Fennessy, Christopher
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- cfennessy@bj-cansoon.com
- C321
Ferguson, Vincent
Adjunct Faculty
- Business
- vferguson@bj-cansoon.com
- R201
Fernandez, Kevin
Senior Clerk
- LA Regional Consortium (LARC)
- 626 5857442
- kfernandez34@bj-cansoon.com
- IT200
Fernandez, Emily
Assistant Professor
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5857428
- efernandez13@bj-cansoon.com
- C252K
Fernandez, Margaret
Adjunct Faculty
- Business
- 626 5857528
- mfernandez28@bj-cansoon.com
- C121
Fernandez, Ronald
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- rfernandezii@bj-cansoon.com
Fernandez, Fernando
Adjunct Faculty
- Mathematics
- 626 5857331
- fmfernandez@bj-cansoon.com
- R322
Fernandez, Rhodora
Adjunct Faculty
- Health Sciences
- 626 5853378
- rlfernandez@bj-cansoon.com
- U202
Fernandez, Eladio
Supervisor, Office Services
- Office Services
- 626 5857289
- exfernandez@bj-cansoon.com
- C129
Fernandez-Presa, Rocio
Adjunct Noncredit Faculty
- Community Education Center
- 626 5853000
- rfernandezpresa@bj-cansoon.com
Ferrerosa, Joseph
Adjunct Faculty
- English and Language Studies
- jferrerosa@bj-cansoon.com
Feser, Edward
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853206
- ecfeser@bj-cansoon.com
- C407
Fiebig, Jennifer
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857891
- jfiebig@bj-cansoon.com
- C121F
Fields, Melanie
Library Technician III
- Library
- 626 5857826
- mcfields@bj-cansoon.com
- LL112
Figueroa, Vanessa
Adjunct Faculty
- Counseling
- vfigueroa7@bj-cansoon.com
- L104
Fimbres, Fred
- Kinesiology Health & Athletics
- 626 5857744
- fafimbres@bj-cansoon.com
- W105-E
Fiorito, Iris
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- English and Language Studies
- 626 5853187
- ixfiorito@bj-cansoon.com
- C247
Fisher, Toree
Specialist, HS Relations/College Orientation
- Pathways
- 626 5853156
- tfisher12@bj-cansoon.com
- V100A
Fitzroy, Megan
Adjunct Faculty